Start a career in home staging with zero experience

Aren’t you tired of wishing you could make a living doing something you’re actually passionate about? Well, its 2022 and there’s no better time to push past your fears, and actually pursue your dream job in home staging!

This Friday we’re hosting a live webinar that will teach you E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G you need to know about getting started in home staging. Starts at 2pm. Takes one hour of your time. Is 100% free. Has zero strings attached.

In this hour-long webinar, we touch on topics like:

What it takes to be a home stager

The very first steps you need to take to start your business

What kind of training you need (and how to choose it)

How to handle the business side even if you’ve never done it befrore

Super fast ways you can get clients (and lots of them!)

Gain confidence in yourself

Knowledge plus experience equals confidence. And in this webinar session, you’ll have all three of those qualities in your corner.

Award-winning knowledge

Shauna Lynn Simon is your instructor and mentor for everything staging. With a knack for details and a love of business, she’ll show you the ropes so you can make tough decisions with ease.

15 Years of experience

Shauna Lynn started her staging business Beyond the Stage Homes in 2006 as a solo female entrepreneur. It quickly blasted past its revenue goals became an industry leader.

1000+  Successful students

Styled Listed Sold (SLS) Academy has helped thousands of new home stagers take the leap toward their new career. We also support practicing stagers with advanced training and business development.

What our students are saying

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“Quite literally one of the best investments I’ve made in my business”

– Jennifer Haartman

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“I love all of your courses. So informative and straightforward with how to implement into my own business.”

Jami Sparling

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“I’ve taken training with multiple, excellent, staging trainers and for me, [SLS Academy’s] training is by far the most direct and easy to understand.“

– Catherine A Morrow

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“Thank you for all your guidance and information. This experience has been truly inspiring and it has ignited something inside of me to create great and beautiful things!

– Jeanette Soscia

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“I am very happy with the material provided — it’s comprehensive and well-organized. I’ve been staging for over 10 years but still found extra value to add for staging clients.”

– Amy Bly

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“I have purchased everything from SLS Academy offers from completing their RESP certification to the webinars — and every single one is excellent.”

– Nicole Schenk

Get actionable first steps

Eliminate the unknowns so you can start a home staging business with confidence and purpose.

You’ve loved home design since elementary school — but life took you in a different direction for a few (or more than a few!) years. And you know, deep down in the soles of your feet, that it’s time to make a change.

But oh wow, how all those niggly unknowns can stop your dreams right in their tracks.

This hour-long webinar will help you really get to grips with what a career in home staging means for your life trajectory. It’s an honest, down-to-earth overview of the current staging industry, what your day-to-day life entails, and how to create and market your business from day one.

Here’s a bit of truth to start: Some of the people reading this won’t have what it takes simply to start a new career. And that’s totally okay. This is what this webinar was created for. It isn’t some cheap sales pitch — it’s real advice to help you get to your life goals. Choosing to change your career and maybe even start a business is something that requires serious thought. At the end of our hour, you’ll walk away knowing exactly what step you’re taking next.

We’re answering hard-hitting questions like:

  • Where does the money to buy new furniture come from?
  • Do I need a huge business loan to start?
  • How do I choose a certification program?
  • Can I do home staging part-time?
  • What if a customer doesn’t like my work?
  • How do I get everything done when there’s so few hours in a day?
  • What’s the BEST first step I need to take?


Some more kind words from our students

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“I was blown away by all the resources provided. [SLS Academy] is a no-brainer if you need to get organized and set up for success “

– Melissia Crab


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I have been staging for nearly 3 years and I wish I had this information then. It is easy to understand and the templates saved me countless hours of work. I highly recommend [SLS Academy’s courses] to any stager looking to update their information, databases, and customer service.

– Donna Warner

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“I love that Shauna unselfishly lines out step-by-step everything you need to do so that nothing is left to chance. thank you for sharing your knowledge with other newbies like myself who would not know how to achieve this. “

– Melissa Kelly