Build and Run a Successful Home Staging Company

Without Wasting Time or Money on Training and Strategies that Just Don’t Work

Get certified as a Real Estate Staging Professional
(RESP®) with this limited-time offer and save $700!

22 comprehensive modules  |  Dozens of customizable templates
Lifetime access  |  Money-back guarantee  | TONS of insider tips



Finally, make a living doing what you love



Even if you have ZERO professional experience… home staging and business skills are things you can learn.

This training program will give you the skills and the confidence you need to execute your home staging services (start to finish), plus you will learn all of the backend, behind-the-scenes stuff you need to successfully (and profitably) launch and run your business AND manage  your clients.

Stop holding yourself back. Follow your gut and get started in a career that fulfills you. It all starts by taking the RESP® training and getting certified.



resource guide sls academy

Your Physical Workbook & Consultation Toolkit

We mail (yup, real snail mail!) you a certification module binder for your notes, a resource guide binder, your toolbelt and around 27 home staging tools.

22 Modules & Countless Templates

Bite-sized videos, written lesson notes, plus a TON of useful templates (hello business plan!) and checklists.
sls academy certificate

Completion Certificate

Get a completion certificate in the mail when you finish the certification. Plus a digital badge to use on your website.

sls academy certificate

Unlimited Support

Struggling with a section of the certification? Stressing out before your first consultation? Send us your questions and we would be happy to assist! We’ve got you.
sls academy certificate

RESP® Members Only Area

Includes access to wholesale suppliers, trusted service providers and exclusive discounts.

sls academy certificate

Lifetime Access and Updates

Access to this certification never expires. You will be first to get updates and new templates and retain the rights to your use of the RESP badge without ever paying a membership fee.

sls academy certificate

Exclusive Facebook Group and On-going Live Training

Connect with stagers, build your network and stay sharp with live training from Shauna Lynn.




The Award-Winning Client Care Package
(value USD $269) 

  • Our best-selling product is available to you for FREE upon completion of your training!
  • Set of customizable client-facing templates
  • Includes easy checklists for clients to work through
  • Wow clients before you even start staging
  • Shave 10+ hours off planning and prepping for a new consult
  • Upsell your additional services effortlessly!

Access to All On-Demand Webinar Replays
(value over USD $1400)

  • Instant access to every webinar replay SLS Academy has ever recorded
  • Real-time access to all future webinars where you can ask questions live
  • Over 40 videos and counting!



Get the Business of Staging course for $799 FREE!

Kickstart your staging career with
the Business of Staging Course

This course takes you by the hand and guides you through everything you need to know about running and growing a profitable home staging business.

Learn how to:

  • Create your business plan and brand yourself
  • Define your target market, and create your value proposition and mission statement
  • Use sales and marketing techniques to get new clients
  • Educate and convert non-believers (even if they’ve never heard of home staging)
  • Build profitable and loyal relationships with real estate agents
  • Upsell your additional revenue streams
  • Creating your business systems
  • Manage initial start-up business expenses and recurring expenses
  • Create a sales forecast for your first years in business (and how to monitor your numbers as you grow)
  • Plan for growth while maintaining a steady cash flow
  • Plus so much more!

become A successful home stager

As the industry changes, so do the needs of our students, which is why we believe in continual improvement in all of our programs.

And we’re making some BIG changes to our RESP® Certification program and package!

In the coming months, here’s a little taste of what you can expect:

  • Bigger and better supports for our students.
  • NEW ‘Express Tune-ups’ – quick course updates based on our most-asked questions!
  • Course layout changes to make it even easier to find the information that you need, when you need it.


Get unstuck and moving forward in your new staging career.

“Shauna Lynn Simon is a rock star in the home staging world. She brings a fresh, modern approach to home staging in her online courses, webinars and online “office hours,” where she very generously shares her knowledge and expertise. Upbeat and inspirational, Shauna Lynn will help you get unstuck and moving forward in your new staging career.”

Anita C. Doleman

RESP Graduate

You are learning from the best.

“I honestly cannot say enough good things about SLS Academy. I have had the opportunity to learn from Shauna Lynn Simon a few times now. She is, without a doubt, one of our top stagers in the nation. When you learn from her, you are learning from the best. I have completed the RESP training programs as well as all the additional courses she offers.”

Shari Fogg

RESP Graduate

The abundance of resources and tools she provided were exactly what I needed.

“I had done a lot of research for other home stager training programs prior to learning about SLS Academy. My search stopped there. Shauna Lynn’s approach blew the rest out of the water with her real-life perspective. Never did she say that starting a home staging business would be easy – and she is absolutely right. But the abundance of resources and tools she provided were exactly what I needed. I am now 8 months into my business and the post-course support she provides is also a huge asset.”

Julie Metaxas

RESP Graduate

We offer a 7-day money-back guarantee PLUS a full refund if you are unsatisfied after completing the certification.

Why our program works:


People will tell you that you can learn everything you need to be a successful home stager in a 3-day live training course, and I get it, once you’ve decided that you want to pursue a career in home staging, you’re excited to get started and want to learn the information as quickly as possible so that you can get your business up and running right away (creatives are not exactly known for their patience). But, there’s a big problem with that: you see, your brain can only retain so much information without making use of it, so while you might be able to consume everything that’s thrown at you, you won’t be able to retain and apply it. Your brain will file away the information as unnecessary because you didn’t do anything with it.


The real way to do it is to learn the information in bite-sized and consumable pieces, utilizing multiple teaching techniques and engaging multiple senses by using a combination of instructional video tutorials and follow-along module notes, as well as implementation, such as assignments, quizzes, or customizable templates for putting the information to use right away so that you can apply what you have learned as you go.


Here’s why this works: not only does this method of bite-sized learning allow for maximum absorption by your brain (studies state that humans forget approximately 50% of new information within an hour of learning it and within 24 hours, that number goes up to an average of 70%!), but combining it with implementation as you learn increases your chances of retention significantly. This is called “active learning” and there’s a TON of science to back it up. As one example, the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) has examined the engagement experiences of hundreds of thousands of students from over 1600 colleges and universities since 2000. The consistent results of these data show that active learning leads to high levels of student achievement and personal development. In fact, in a study by Freeman et al in 2014, students in courses without active learning were 1.5 times more likely to fail than students with active learning!


That’s why our RESP® Certification program is all online and on-demand (for life), and is broken down into 22 easy-to-digest modules, released one day at a time. This makes it easy to complete without getting overwhelmed. Instead of looking at it as one big course, you tackle it one day at a time. The design of the training also makes it super easy to go back and review a lesson days, months, or even years after initially learning it, if you do need a refresher. Plus it gives you flexibility to adapt the delivery of the information to the style that bests fits you and your style, whether it’s increasing or decreasing the speed of the video, highlighting your module notes, or pausing the video to write your own notes (which is especially helpful if english is not your first language). Our checkpoint questions, quizzes and assignments along the way help you to test and implement your knowledge and understanding in real-time.


We all want shortcuts, and you might want to take a 3-day course because you are eager to learn the information as fast as possible, but while you might speed up your business launch, you’re actually delaying your success because you simply can’t absorb it all.


Our program includes everything that you need to hone your creative talents using proven home staging principles, plus we give you the complete guide to creating your business plan and launching your business. Get your business on the path to profits right from the start!

 Staging For Interior Designers


Award-winning instructor and home staging expert


After being laid off in 2008, Shauna Lynn built a home staging empire from the ground up. She grew her business to the largest in her area and founded Styled, Listed, and Sold (SLS) Academy on the principles of helping others.


“When I saw new home stagers struggling to get started, I knew I wanted to support them. Home staging is often a second career and the first steps can be overwhelming.

Our certifications and courses take a real, honest approach with proven results. There is no sugar-coating or grand claims to fame — just rock-solid advice that works in the real world.”


RESP® Module Breakdown

Module 1 is available immediately with each following module released daily. We send you an invite to our private Facebook group straight away where you can connect with other home stagers.

Your physical workbook and consultation toolkit will be mailed to you and arrive in arppox 3 to 5 days (check out the video below to see what we’re sending you).

Support is always available to you via the online portal if you have any questions or need guidance.

Module 1: Ins and outs of the Real Estate Market, the key players and how home staging fits in, plus an outline of various business structures, creating your business plan, and registering your new home staging business

Module 2: Creating your staging plan by addressing buyer perceptions, decluttering, and eliminating distractions

Module 3: Furniture selection and placement for optimal flow and buyer appeal

Module 4: Step-by-step to the home staging evaluation

Module 5: Accessorizing techniques for selling

Module 6: What role textures and fabrics play in home staging and design

Module 7: Organizing spaces for selling and living

Module 8: Repairs and updates – what to address and how to understand the value and impact of each recommendation

Module 9: Creating curb appeal and lasting first impressions

Module 10: Identifying design styles and working within them

Module 11: Creating and preparing accurate floor plans

Module 12: Colour theory – using the colour wheel as a tool in colour palette selection; understanding the components and significance of  colours

Module 13: Preparing your home sellers for the process of selling their home, including managing seller expectations and resistance

Module 14: The home staging consultation, from start to finish

Module 15: The people factor

Module 16: Managing your owner-occupied and vacant home staging projects, start to finish, and building your portfolio

Module 17: Behind-the-scenes: set up your office to run efficiently and effectively to keep you out meeting with  clients and building the business; creating contracts (including sample contract templates)

Module 18: Subcontractors, Health & Safety, insurance, and setting your policies and procedures for smooth operating practices

Module 19: Inventory management and best practices

Module 20: Costs to expect both in launching and operating your home staging business, and how to outline your services and set your pricing

Module 21: Redesign and other complimentary services to add to your portfolio

Module 22: Managing relationships, plus tricks of the trade, including the most common rookie mistakes

Got More Questions?

t Click here to take a look at RESP® Certification’s FAQs.

t Got team members? Click here for team package pricing.

Waiting for permission?

Yes, this is a viable career, and yes, you CAN learn how to do it

When deciding if you want to hop on this entrepreneurial journey, I want you to do something for yourself.

Set the intention to make a change.

If you make the change, show up every day, follow the lessons, find accountability in the group, then you CAN build the business or second career you’ve been dreaming about. Hundreds of graduates have done exactly that. You will too.

When I was younger, people ridiculed me for being different. Now, I get praised for my bravery. SLS Academy is behind you all the way. 

Take the certification risk-free with a 7-day money-back guarantee PLUS a full refund if you are unsatisfied after completing the certification